Ungkapan Sayyid Qutb

Orang yg berpendapat mereka muslim tetapi tidak berjuang menentang kezaliman
dengan segala bentuknya, tidak mempertahankan orang yang dizalimi dengan
sebaik-baiknya, dan tidak berteriak didepan tirani dan diktator, adalah pendapat
yang salah atau mereka itu amat munafik atau tidak memahami Islam

Friday, July 25, 2008

Fikrah Presiden PAS


This was what the PAS President said in his interview with Karim Raslan:"Still, his ability to lead is unquestionable. It's arguable that the Malay community is also starting to believe the accusations against Anwar. His delay in taking an oath to swear on the Quran is also an issue."

The PAS President may be a graduate of the universities of Cairo and Medina and he may be able to speak Arabic more fluent than an Arab. Nevertheless, I am still going to challenge him on this one.

Is there such a thing as swearing on the Quran? We are told to obey the Quran and follow the example of the Prophet. In that case is this swearing on the Quran something that the Quran or the Prophet teaches us or is it an invention of misguided Muslims? The Quran, in the form that we know today, did not exist until after the Prophet died. It was Osman, the Third Caliph, who ordered that the Quran be compiled into a book form. Prior to that it was mostly etched in the heads of those who had memorised the Quran and on bits and pieces of bark and animal skin scattered all over the Arabian Peninsular.

Osman was worried about two things. First was that many of those who had memorised the Quran were dying in the many wars they were engaged in and there was a danger that the Quran would ‘die’ together with those who were dying. Secondly, many variations of the Quran were beginning to emerge so they had to come out with an approved version of the Quran and all the other variations would have to be destroyed.

A committee was set up to sieve through the different variations plus ‘interview’ those who had memorised the Quran to finally arrive at the approved version, which was then compiled into book form. They destroyed what they viewed as contradicting variations and sent this new book-form Quran to all the reaches of the Islamic empire and, today, that is the Quran we are using.

So how could the Prophet have asked us to swear on a Quran that never existed in his time the way it exists today? And whom would Anwar be following if he chose to swear on the Quran? Prophet Muhammad or some deviant who came along long after the Prophet had died and invented this ‘put your right hand on the holy book and left hand in the air and swear after me………..’?

Jika fikrah presiden pas masih tidak jelas, bagaimana pula fikrah ahli-ahli PAS?
Dewan ulama perlu segera membersihkan fikrah pimpinan PAS daripada khurafat, tahyul dan bidaah.

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